Sunday, May 21, 2006

So my first blog...

I could say a lot of things, but I think I will stick to what is important...
The last couple of weeks or should I say months the Lord has really been teaching me a lot of things...
the first thing was/is: depend on me if something is troubling you it doesn't help going any where besides to Me...
the second thing was/is : Running away from me doesn't really work you'll come eventually, but the longer you wait the harder it will be to depend on me...
and the third thing was/is: pray!!! Continually pray.....

so I quit smoking, I'm giving away a lot of my movies and destroying the ones that don't give honor to God and I pray...
The Lord is really throwing my life upside down, and instead of hating this I love it and not only that it gives me peace instead of upsetting me...

Another important thing He is teaching me is obedience... God gives a lot to mankind, though all He desires is obedience, for all other things will be under this...

Lord I want to thank You for these last couple of days, it was beautiful weather and I really praise you for all the beautiful things You gave because of it. I thank You for the fellowship I you gave me here in Amsterdam and all You have done sins.... I want to pray for everyone working and staying at the hostle's that the guests hearts may be opened so the will see You and seek for You the rest of their life's. And for the staff that they will seek You more each day and that we may find strength in You so that You can work thrue us and with us Lord. I pray that You will teach me more and You keep sanctifying me thrue all I do. And all I think and all I am... I pray I keep searching for You and longing for You and coming to You laying my life down for You... Lord teach me to become more and more like You , teach me how to pray and what to do so I may follow You in all You are.... Amen


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